Human Resource Management Office

Citizen's Charter


To professionalize all personnel within the organization and make them a pro-active employees who are continously providing quality and excellent service to all Tinambaquenos and other public clientele.


The Human Resource Management Office is commissioned to develop and implement plan of action that responds to the strategic ways of managing the human resources in attaining organizational goals and emphasize the value of hiring, selection process, maintaining and promoting the right people critical to the growth and development of the organization.


Responsible for personnel management and maintenance of an effective liaison with the Civil Service Commission and other government agencies. Establish a sound recruitment and selection system within the organization and administer positions classification and compensation system and other employee welfare programs.

Frontline Services


Schedule of availability of service:

Monday to Friday      –           8:00-5:00 PM without noon break

 Who may avail of the service?

Government officials & employees (active or in-active) in the Local Government Unit of Tinambac.


Service record

For active employee (presently employed)

  1. Register in the Logbook for requested document.

                        For in-active employee (retired/resigned/separated/terminated)

  1. Letter-request
  2. Register in the logbook for requested document
  3. Old copy of service record, (as reference)/copy of service record from previous employment (if there is any).

How to avail of the Service:

1.The applicant/client will register in the logbook for requested doc. If the document requested is through a representative the client shall present a letter request. 2 min.Leticia H. AbiogNone2ndflr., HRM office
2. The service provider will do the following such as: retrieval, researching, encoding& printing of documents.10 min.Pamela C. Paulino  
3. The service provider will review & certify as to the correctness of the record/document.5 minMelody B. Velarde  
4. The service provider released the record/document.2 min.Bermil B. Demesa  
5.Client received the requested record/document. 1 min   

active employee – (still in service)

**in-active employee- (not in service, retired, resigned, terminated or deceased)                    

** *The cause of the delay of the processing/issuance of the document may be due to absence of the authorized signatories.


Schedule of availability of service:

Monday to Friday      –           8:00-5:00 PM without noon break

 Who may avail of the service?

Government officials & employees (active or in-active)of the Local Government Unit of Tinambac.


Certificate of Employment:

 For active employee (presently employed)

  1. Register in the Logbook for requested document

                        For in-active employee (retired/resigned/separated/terminated/ deceased)

  1. Letter-request
  2. Register in the logbook for requested document

 How to avail of the Service:

1.The applicant/client will register in the log-book for requested doc. If the document requested is through a representative, the client shall present a letter request. 2 min.Leticia H. Abiognone2ndflr., HRM office
2. The service provider will prepare the document such as, retrieval, researching, encoding & printing.7 min.Joan B. Peñas  
3. The service provider will review & certify as to the correctness of the record/document.3 minMelody B. Velarde  
4.  The service provider will release the record/document.2 min.Bermil B. Demesa  
5.Client will receive the requested record/ document. 1 min   

active employee – (still in service)

** in-active employee- (not in service, retired, resigned, terminated or deceased)

Schedule of availability of service:

Monday to Friday      –           8:00-5:00 PM without noon break

 Who may avail of the service?

Government officials & employees (active or in-active) in the Local Government Unit of Tinambac, Camarines for purposes of payment of salary/wages, retirementbenefits, leave

benefits, loans & other related purposes.


            Certificate of Employment:

 For active employee (presently employed)

  1. Register in the Logbook for requested document

                        For in-active employee (retired/resigned/separated/terminated/ deceased)

  1. Letter-request
  2. Register in the logbook for requested document

How to avail of the Service:

1.The applicant/client will register in the logbook for requested doc. If the document requested is through a representative, the client shall present a letter request. 2 min.

Leticia H. Abiog/

Elna Crizza DA. Medina

none2ndflr., HRM office
2. The service provider will retrieve & prepare the document.12 min.

Pamela C. Paulino/

Joan B. Peñas

3. The service provider will review & certify the copy of the document.3 minMelody B. Velarde  
4.  The service provider will release the record/document.2 min.Bermil B. Demesa  
5.Client will receive the requested record/document. 1 min   

active employee – (still in service)

**in-active employee- (not in service, retired, resigned, terminated or deceased)