Municipal Engineer Office
Citizen's Charter
A well equipped and fully functional Engineering Unit that focuses and acts on essential infrastructure needs of the Municipality and its citizen.
To constantly monitor the over-all condition of all necessary and central infrastructure facilities in order to sustain their usefulness and to address vital engineering concerns in critical areas of the Municipality.
Administer, coordinator, supervise, and control the construction, maintenance, improvement, and repair of roads, bridges and other engineering and public works projects of the LGU concerned. Provide engineering services to the LGU concerned, including investigation and survey, engineering designs, feasibility studies and project management.
Frontline Services
A building is being issued to the applicant prior to the construction, alteration, major repair or renovation, conversion of any building/ structure owned by government or
private entities.
The permit becomes null and void if work does not commence within one year from the date of issuance of permit, or if the building or works is suspended or
abandoned any time after construction has started withi8n 120 days.
*7 copies- Site Development Plan and Perspective
*6 copies- Building Plan (signed and sealed)
*6 copies- Specification (signed and sealed)
*6 copies- Bill of Materials and Cost Estimates
*4 copies- Structural Design Computation (for 2 storey-building and above)
*7 copies- Lot Plan Signed by G.E
*6 copies- Application Form (signed and sealed with photocopy of License & PTR)
– Building Permit – Mechanical Permit
– Sanitary Permit – Sign Permit
– Electrical Permit – Fencing Permit
*1 piece – Construction of Log Book
*6 copies- Location Clearance
*6 copies- Tax Declaration of the Real Property
*6 copies- Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) or Dead of Sale or Proof of Ownership of Project lot/ Site
*6 copies- Certificate of Tax Payment of Lot from the Municipal Treasurer
*6 copies- Certification from the Municipal Health Officer as to Sanitation
*6 copies- Contract of Lease (if lot is under leasehold)
*6 copies- Barangay Clearance
*1 copy- Fire Safety Clearance Certificate
*4 copies- Fencing Plan (signed and sealed)
*4 copies- Specification (signed and sealed)
*4 copies- Bill of Materials & Cost Estimates (signed and sealed)
*4 copies- Lot Plan (signed and sealed)
*4 copies- Application Form
*4 copies- Tax Declaration of Real Property
Or *4 copies- Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) or Dead of Sale or Proof of Ownership
*4 copies- Certificate of Tax Payment of Lot from the Municipal Treasurer
*4 copies- Contract of Lease (if lot is under leasehold)
*4 copies- Barangay Clearance to the location of construction
1. Secure Building Permit Application forms with attached checklist of requirements. | 2 minutes | Edgar T. Hermogeno |
2. Submit complete requirements with the corresponding clearances.] | 2 minutes | Draftsman II |
3. Endorse 1 set of the required documents to the BFP for issuance of Fire Safety Clearance Certificate Evaluation and Assessment Electrical Sanitary Building Plans Mechanical Agricultural | 1 hour to 1 day 2 hours | BFP Personnel Edgar T. Hermogeno Draftsman II |
4. Issuance of Order of Payment -If the requirements are already complete and in order, an order of payment is issued by the ELC. 5. Payment of Building Permit Fee -Present the Order of Payment and pay the corresponding fees at MTO. | 10 minutes 10 minutes | Edgar T. Hermogeno Draftsman II Ma. Teresa H. Betito ICO- Mun. treasurer |
6. Presentation of Official Receipt – Return to the Office of the Building Office and present official receipt. | 5 minutes | Edgar T. Hermogeno Draftsman II |
7. Processing of Permit – EIC processes the plans and pertinent documents for final approval of the building official. | 1 hour | Edgar T. Hermogeno Draftsman II |
8. Approval Permit -Building Official of the building official. | 10 minutes | Berlin H. Dimaculangan Mun. Engineer/ Mun. Building Official |
9. Release of Permit | 5 minutes | Edgar T. Hermogeno Draftsman II |
An occupancy permit is being issued to the applicant before any building / structure is used or occupied. This permit shall be secured after the completion of a structure. If
there is any change in the existing use or occupancy classification of a building. Structure or any portion thereof, occupancy permit is also required.
- Certificate of Completion from the building official- 3 sets
- Completion forms- 3 sets
- Building
- Electrical
- Sanitary / Plumbing
- Mechanical (if applicable)
- Log book of building construction signed and sealed by a register and conducted of Civil Engineer who is in-charge of the construction.
- Final fire safety inspection certificate- BFP
1. Secure certificate of completion forms and completion forms from any member of the building staff. | 5 minutes | Edgar T. Hermogeno Draftsman II |
2. Second endorsement present duly accomplished forms and related documents to any member of the building staff for initial verification of the requirements. A 2ndendorsement will be given to the client for the issuance of a Fire Safety Inspection Certificate from the Bureau of Fire Protection. | ½ day | BFP Personnel |
3. Submit requirements after clearance has been secured from BFP together with the duly accomplished forms and related documents; safety certificates as built-plans; and detailed sketch of location. Request for an inspection schedule. | 15 minutes | Edgar T. Hermogeno Draftsman II |
4. Review / Evaluation | 30 minutes | Edgar T. Hermogeno Draftsman II |
5. Building Inspection. Building inspector/ technical staffs conduct actual inspection of the completed building / structure and checks. If the same is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. | 1 day | Edgar T. Hermogeno Draftsman II |
6. Preparations of Inspection Report (Optional) If the building inspector finds that the completed project has deviations from the approved plans, you will be given an inspection report. That lists the needed corrections or other documents required. | 30 minutes | Edgar T. Hermogeno Draftsman II |
7. Issuance of order of payment EIC prepares an order of payment indicating an assessment of fees to be paid. | 15 minutes | Edgar T. Hermogeno Draftsman II |
8. Payment of Fees Proceed to the MTO and pay the required fees. | 10 minutes | Ma. Teresa H. Betito ICO- Municipal Treasurer |
9. Present official receipt | 1 minute | |
10. Processing of occupancy permit | 15 minutes | Edgar T. Hermogeno Draftsman II |
11. Issuance of occupancy permit is duly approved by the building official. | 10 minutes | Berlin H. Dimaculangan Municipal Engineer |
JO Emplyees
Draftsman |
Draftsman |
Plumber |
Plumber-Salin Tubig Proj. |
Plumber |
Draftsman |
Engineering Aide |
Engineering Aide |