Municipal Planning and Development Office

Citizen's Charter


A reliable support service department of the Local Government of Tinambac with responsible, committed, pro-active and innovative human resource equipped with capabilities to generate and utilize a vast array of information and technology to evolve socio-economic, physical, cultural and environmental development frameworks and policies and able to work harmoniously with other local government functionaries to support the local government achieve its development goals.


To provide an effective and efficient mechanism that promote better quality services through the utilization of accurate, well-processed quality information and technology that will enhance pro-active, responsive and accountable decision-making and local governance.


Formulate integrated economic, social,physical and other development plans and policies for consideration of the local development council. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the different program, activities and projects in the LGU concerned in accordance with the approved development plan.

Frontline Services



Monday to Friday        –         8:00am to 5:00 pm No noon break


Proof of Lot Ownership or right over land

If lot property is owned, any of the following documents:

* Photocopy of Certificate of Title, or

* Photocopy of Deed of Sale (duly notarized), or

* CTC of the latest Tax Declaration

If lot property is not owned, any of the following     documents:

* Authorization to use land / Consent from Land Owner (duly notarized), or

* Notarized Contract of Lease (if renting)

* Photocopy of owner’s Certificate of Title/Tax Declaration/ notarized Deed of Sale

Sketch of the location

For Industrial and Agro-Industrial Projects:

In addition to the above-mentioned requirements the following shall be required:

* Lot Plan with vicinity map drawn to scale signed by a Geodetic Engineer

* Barangay Clearance (interposing no objection over the proposed project)

* Feasibility Study/ Project Proposal


P 100.00    –   for residential

P 150.00    –   for commercial/industrial


Tinambac resident or any other individual with the intention of doing business within the municipality.


StepsApplicant/clientService providerDURATIONstaff in-chargefees
1Present necessary requirements for evaluation and assessment.The zoning personnel reviews and verifies your submitted requirements and checks the location of the enterprise/business/ project against the land use plan.5 minutes

Engr. Diego E. Bayonito

Tracy Ivy L. Caceres

Ivy Alyssa A. Balbis

2Accompany zoning inspector assigned for inspectionSite inspection (optional) is
usually required if the lot will be used for other purposes.
1 to 2 hours

Engr. Diego E. Bayonito

Magno C. San Andres Jr.

Tracy Ivy L. Caceres

3Proceed to the Municipal Treasurer’s Office and present the order of payment slip. Pay the requisite fees and secure an Official Receipt.Zoning personnel will issue an order of payment slip that will be presented to the Mun. Treasurer’s Office for payment.5 minutes

MTO Personnel

based on estimated project cost or business capital
4Present Official ReceiptZoning personnel will process and prepare/ encode the Zoning Certificate5 minutes

Marivic P. Panuelos

Ivy Alyssa A. Balbis

Officer-in-charge secures the signature of the Zoning Officer2 minutes

Marivic P. Panuelos

Ivy Alyssa A. Balbis

5Get duly signed/ approved Zoning CertificateOfficer-in-charge records the zoning certificate on the log book and releases it to the applicant.2 minutes

Marivic P. Panuelos

Ivy Alyssa A. Balbis



Monday to Friday        –         8:00am to 5:00 pm No noon break


* Three (3) copies of duly notarized Application form for Locational Clearance;

* One (1) set Building Plan/Perspective with Site Development Plan signed by a licensed architect/engineer drawn to scale ranging from 1:100 to 1:1,000;

* One (1) copy of Vicinity Map;

* One (1) photocopy of proof of ownership or right over the land (certified true copy). If property is not owned Contract of lease or Letter Authorization or consent from the owner duly notarized;

* Site Zoning Certificate

* One (1) copy of Bill of Materials (including equipments/project cost);

* Locational Clearance Fee; and

* Authorization to file and claim Locational Clearance

For Industrial and Agro-Industrial Projects:

In addition to the above-mentioned requirements the following shall be required:

* Description of Industry;

* Flow Chart of manufacturing process;

* Manpower Capacity and Volume of Work;

* Environmental Compliance Certificate /Certificate of Non Coverage (ECC/CNC)

* SB Resolution endorsing the project; and

* Affidavit of non-objection from adjoining lot owners (if necessary)

For Commercial Projects – ECC/CNC shall be required for Four (4) stories and above

QSFor Special Use Permit (gasoline, refilling stations, telecommunication towers, and other special uses) – Requires endorsement of the Sangguniang Bayan

In addition to the above-mentioned requirements the following shall be required:

* Description of the project, its nature of operation and use, location, boundaries and size or volume of operations

* Identification of components which shall be affected by the project

* Photocopy of Tax Identification Number (TIN) card; if it is an application by a corporation, use the TIN of this corporation

* Authority to sign (corporate secretary’s affidavit)

* Project Feasibility study

* Initial Environment examination (IEE), with sworn accountability of the IEE preparer

Additional requirements for telecommunication towers:

* Height clearance permit

* Radio frequency radiation evaluation/ Department of Health clearance

* Certified true copy of Homeowners Association (HOA) clearance/immediate neighbour’s consent

* Certifies true copy of barangay council resolution

* Location plan

* Architectural plan (2 sets, signed and sealed)

* Site Development Plan

* IEE report checklist (for antennas on top of buildings



A resident or anyone with lot/property within the municipality and have the intention to apply for Building Permit. Locational Clearance/Zoning Certification is a requirement for securing Building Permit.


StepsApplicant/clientService providerDURATIONstaff in-chargefees
1Secure an application formIssue an application form1 minute

Tracy Ivy L. Caceres

Evelyn A. Galvan

2Present application form and necessary requirements for evaluation and assessment.The Land Use and Zoning section personnel reviews and verifies your submitted requirements and checks the location of the enterprise/ business/ project against the land use plan.10 minutes

Engr. Diego E. Bayonito

Evelyn A. Galvan

3Accompany zoning inspector assigned for inspectionSite inspection (optional) is usually required if the lot will be used for other purposes.1 to 2 hours

Engr. Diego E. Bayonito

Evelyn A. Galvan

Tracy Ivy L. Caceres

4Wait for the outcome of the inspectionReport the outcome of inspection with proper recommendation30 minutes after inspection

Engr. Diego E. Bayonito

Evelyn A. Galvan

Tracy Ivy L. Caceres

  Endorse to the SB of LZB for appropriate action (if needed) & advice the client on the development of the transaction verbally or in writing15 minutes

Engr. Diego E. Bayonito

Evelyn A. Galvan

5Proceed to the Municipal Treasurer’s Office & present the order of payment slip. Pay the requisite fees and secure an Official Receipt.Land Use and Zoning section personnel will issue an order of payment slip that will be presented to the Mun. Treasurer’s Office for payment.5 minutes

Evelyn A. Galvan

Tracy Ivy L. Caceres

MTO Personnel

based on estimated project cost or business capital
6Present Official ReceiptLand Use and Zoning section personnel will process and prepare/encode the Locational Clearance5 minutes

Evelyn A. Galvan

Tracy Ivy L. Caceres

  Officer-in-charge secures the signature of the Zoning Officer/MPDC2 minutes

Evelyn A. Galvan

Tracy Ivy L. Caceres

7Get/claim Locational ClearanceOfficer-in-charge records the zoning certificate on the log book and releases it to the applicant.2 minutesIvy Alyssa A. Balbis 

JO Emplyees

List of Job Order Employees of Municipal Planning and Development Office

Andy A. Abiog


Chrisly Mae D. Basilla


Lovelyn M. Brioso


Juliet M. Estolano


Camille L. Racho
